BGPERT can help with the administration, organisation and promotion of your meeting

To start at the beginning, or Accreditation and the Severn School of Primary Care Approval Process

BGPERT organises its educational events to meet the learning needs of GPs as identified through appraisal, evaluation of events, liaison with consultants etc. Using this experience we can advise you on identifying robust educational objectives or learning outcomes for your meeting. This will enable you to apply for accreditation which gets you official CPD points, increasing its appeal to local GPs.

If you wish to obtain BGPERT accreditation, please complete the form, application for support and accreditation, and email it to BGPERT to start the accreditation process. 
If you are unsure how to start please email BGPERT, and we will get in touch to discuss your meeting. If you have never applied for accreditation before you may wish to start by contacting us so that we can advise early on in the process.

We regret that we cannot help with the promotion of non-accredited GP education events.


When to hold your meeting

BGPERT organises approximately 60 events per year and plans its meetings up to six months in advance. We also work with a number of other education providers and so have information about their meetings. To ensure that your meeting does not clash with any of these, and so maximise the attendance at your event, you may wish to consult the BGPERT website meetings page. Alternatively you can email us at BGPERT, or phone 01225 336363.


Promoting your meeting
BGPERT has a popular website and over 400 members. We can put your accredited meeting on our meetings page, and email an invitation, detailing the meeting, direct to all our members. This ensures coverage across the Bath area and beyond into Wiltshire and Somerset.


We can take bookings for your accredited event and provide you with a register of delegates booked through us, and where known, their place of work. 

Evaluation and reflective practice
As an educational organisation, BGPERT understands the importance of evaluating educational events to inform the future programme, and of providing feedback to the speaker(s) for individual reflective learning. We do this through tailored evaluation and reflective learning forms. 

Learning Credits and certificates

For each accredited meeting attended BGPERT members can gain the appropriate number of Learning Credits, usually one credit for an evening meeting, three for a half day meeting and six for a full study day. To achieve this all we ask is that you return a copy of the register to us after the event. BGPERT can also provide certificates of attendance. Please email BGPERT for further details.


. . . and finally
As a charity run for the benefit of its members BGPERT charges for these services, further details can be obtained by contacting BGPERT or completing the  application for support and accreditation.